
Your privacy is our highest priority, and we will protect it by all means possible. We abide by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set by the EU to protect your privacy. We will only process data that is necessary for using the GiftUP application. Pursuant to GDPR, we have carried out impact assessments for privacy in order to limit risks. These impact assessments analyse all possible risks concerning your data and all actions that are necessary to avoid or minimise said risks.

When using the application, GiftUP will ask for your permission to use your camera and temporary storage for rendering your video on GiftUP server. After rendering all data video and image will be destroyed. GiftUP does not backup any files. Your image and video will be stored only on your private device. You must give these permissions for the GiftUP app to function on your private device. GiftUP application does not include any third-party analytics, third-party advertising or share any kind of data to any third-party. The application does not collect or store any data from the device for any third-party analytics, third-party advertising or share any kind of data to any third-party. The application does not utilize or require Internet in order to function.

The GiftUP application will not store or publish your pictures anywhere outside of your device without your permission.

Copyright Grafmore Ky.